Thursday 20 March 2008


Smoking is one of the most common forms of recreational drug use. Smoking is where a substance, most commonly tobacco, is burned and the smoke tasted or inhailed. The cultural perception surronding smoking has varied over time and frm one place to another; holy and sinfil. Only recently in industrialized western countries, smoking has come to be viewed in a decidedly negative light. However, medical studies have proven that smoking is amoung the leading causes of diseases such as Lung cancer, Heart attacks, to prevent this happening the government introduced the smoking ban last year, they oped the ban would decrease smokers.
Even though advertising for smoking was banned, smoking has increased within teenagers since 1991. However, once one starts to smoke it is a hard habbit to break. People start smoking for a variety of different reasons some think it looks cool, this could be blamed on media. Films usualy have a image of a male wearing a suit with a ciggar or ciggerette in his hand or a female holding a ciggerette, this could be seen that smoking can be sexy.

1 comment:

Zahra said...

I read your entry on smoking I agree with you that media does to an extent encourage individuals to smoke and it is true that they think that they look cool but then it is also important to also consider youngsters who get peer pressured into smoking to belong into a group. This clearly shows that the individual has no choice but when it is shown by the media the individual makes there own choice.