Wednesday 7 May 2008

Comment 2

I think that the debate about gun crime goes hand in hand with the bandits blog. Most people blame violent video games which are exposed to youngsters at a young age. Maybe parents should discipline there children. However, I place the blame on parents I think we should question were do guns actually come from? And why are they so easily available?

It easy for the police and general public to blame parents and gangs for gun violence or should I say they ones directly involved. But maybe there is a higher force like the government especially the American government who are essentially putting guns on the street so that the are to busy killing one another and hence distracted from the reality. So, what is this reality? The truth is that the Illuminati control and own every single one of us. They decide what goes in the media...from BBC News to video games! Some argue that this is a conspiracy theory...but how come everyone comes out with the plans of the new world order are murder...Tupac Shakur and John Todd-previous a member of the top 13 Freemasonries.

This link will explain all! It goes in detail, of how through centuries the illuminant's origin and the committee of 300 as well as distraction method for the public so that they are unaware of the New World Order (NWO) really means. If you notice it spells 'OWN' backwards! It means to form one world government to rule the world.


having watched the link i agree with ur perespective about gun crime. i do agree that police to blame gangs or parents the reason for gun crime, however the police should try to slove the problem of gun crime by even installing CCTVs in areas where there is a high statistic for gun crime. however, i do think that there is alot of Gun crime in America compared to the Uk. but even though gun crime is a very dangerous and serious matter and should tried to be solved.

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