Wednesday 7 May 2008

Comment 5

To be honest, infidelity is something i struggle with as a concept... would I? wouldn't I? Would it really matter?

I think it's this last aspect of it, the 'would it matter if they didn't find out' aspect, that kinda plays on my mind most. It's that whole 'if a tree fell in a forest and no one was there...' you get the picture.

Is there a divine edict (well, apart from that divine edict... less applicable for the agnostics methinks) that says we can't? Is it the consequences alone that dictate the rightness of an action? I mean, if my conscience can handle it, and the other person never finds out... c'est difficile, non?

I'm not sure... and there is the rub, as they say. Hurting someone by a deliberate action is quite difficult to defend to most people - especially if they themselves have been the victim of said offence and start brandishing sticks. But as I've said, if they never know...

All i can say is that I'm not too sure i would appreciate being cheated on. Maybe that's enough to sway my thoughts. And on that note, i don't think I'd be alone. Happens quite a lot apparently -

having read ur blog about infidelity i personaly feel that it is wrong. during this people may get hurt, as u said
"would it matter if they didn't find out'. it does matter if they find out or if they wont find out. i personally feel that it is a wrong thing to do. i do agree that no1 appreciates being cheated on but i spose many people do it for fun or because they are bored but it does hurt. i also agree that yes it does happen alot.

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