Wednesday 7 May 2008


1. Age? 19
2. Sex? Female
3. What is your degree subject (both if joint)? sociology and philosphy
4. Does ‘Being Bad’ relate well to the other modules you are taking? yes it is a philopshy module.
5. If so, how? And if not, why not? this module links in well, most the topics that have been taught can be related to ethics.
6. Have you found ‘Being Bad’ too demanding, too easy, or at an appropriate level? i found it an appropriate level.
7. Do you think the list of topics covered on the module was appropriate? some topic did and some i felt that didnt.
8. Are there any topics not included in the module that you would like to see included? music, what is the messages behind music? and if the messages are bad i.e does music influence people to act in a certian way?
9. Do you think that the format for classes has worked well? Yes
10. What did you think of the module team? they where arlight.
11. Do you think it would have been better to have had more: Discussion and debate among the class as a whole
The approach taken in the module is interdisciplinary (drawing on perspectives from English Literature, Film Studies, Creative Writing, Philosophy, Religious Studies, Media Studies? yes it did.
12. Do you think that interdisciplinary modules are a good idea? yeah, u get to learn from different aspects which are not related to the course which can be seen as good.
13. Do you think you have benefited from the interdisciplinary approach taken in the module? yes most topics that were taught made me think alot more about certain things that i would have not done before.
14. Would you like to see more modules that cover this kind of subject matter? well it depends.
15. Are you planning to take the follow-up module PH2004 ‘It Shouldn’t Be Allowed’ at level 2? it depends.
16. Would you recommend ‘Being Bad’ to a friend? yes,
17. Do you think that the blogs (web logs) were a good idea? not really. i would have prefferd a nother assignment, to be honest i forgot about the web blogs due to other uni work and work.
18. What did you think of the other assessments (e.g. would it be better to have one longer assessment rather than two shorter ones?) i think that the story was a good idea. i enjoyed wrting it.
19. What have you learned from the module? i have learnt that what people may consider as being bad may actully not be bad.
20. What parts of the module have you found most useful and why? The lectures where useful and the blog sessions even though i did not find the blogs intresting or fun to do but the blog sessions did help.
21. What parts do you think were a waste of time and why? i think that some lectures where boring but nothing was a waste of time.
22. Are there any other comments you wish to make regarding ‘Being Bad’? not really.

Comment 5

To be honest, infidelity is something i struggle with as a concept... would I? wouldn't I? Would it really matter?

I think it's this last aspect of it, the 'would it matter if they didn't find out' aspect, that kinda plays on my mind most. It's that whole 'if a tree fell in a forest and no one was there...' you get the picture.

Is there a divine edict (well, apart from that divine edict... less applicable for the agnostics methinks) that says we can't? Is it the consequences alone that dictate the rightness of an action? I mean, if my conscience can handle it, and the other person never finds out... c'est difficile, non?

I'm not sure... and there is the rub, as they say. Hurting someone by a deliberate action is quite difficult to defend to most people - especially if they themselves have been the victim of said offence and start brandishing sticks. But as I've said, if they never know...

All i can say is that I'm not too sure i would appreciate being cheated on. Maybe that's enough to sway my thoughts. And on that note, i don't think I'd be alone. Happens quite a lot apparently -

having read ur blog about infidelity i personaly feel that it is wrong. during this people may get hurt, as u said
"would it matter if they didn't find out'. it does matter if they find out or if they wont find out. i personally feel that it is a wrong thing to do. i do agree that no1 appreciates being cheated on but i spose many people do it for fun or because they are bored but it does hurt. i also agree that yes it does happen alot.

Comment 4

I think we should find out where Russell Brand lives and stalk him for a bit!

Comment 3- Krtick Joshi

I remember back at the very 1st lesson where we had to confess our bad behaviour from a previous experience and their was a person who said that they called their blind mother embarassing after she fell down a step in a clothes store.

Well... that was me unfortunately i was so shocked how people reacted and thought i was skum of the earth i appreciated the lecturers view saying that there are always two sides to a story. I would have explained my side if people would have refrained from almost salem witch trialing me! The real story is that that me and my mother have a very close relationship we say things like that to each other and yet after that incident i did apologise.

I was only a early teen and my mother was very protective all the other kids would go to shops on a weekend with their friends but my mother wouldn't let me. If i needed clothes i would have to go with her and as a lad being a teen it was quite embarassing when the 'cool' kids came into the same store that my mother and me where in. They were laughing at me for the fact that i was with my mum and for some reason it really affected me. My mother is blind and ive been looking after her since i was 9 years of age but at that stage in growing up these peer pressures where too much to handle and I lost concentration of where my mother was walking as I was so consumed in my paranoias. She fell down face first as she missed a step and everyone laughed. I dont blame them for laughing they don't know that my mothers blind and people falling down can be funny especially on tv shows like 'youve been framed'. However in this moment it wasn't funny for me and in haste whilst going red I picked up my mother and said in a agressive whisper "MUM YOUR SO EMBARASSING!" She was fine she didnt mind she was angry at me for not looking after her proply and later on I was angry at myself for letting my mother down like that.

As well as the lesson I learnt from that experience i also learnt that how people were so extreme in their beliefs of what i had done. Some one said that the dog who died from drugs (who one second prize in the being bad lecture of confessions) was less worse than what I did. I am well and truly shocked that people would consider a family row and a teenage mistake a lot worse than the life of a animal. Maybe because Im vegetarian and value all types of life that i have that view.

i personlly feel that what u had done was wrong, eventhough u where just a 'kid' but i think that what u said was bad. saying that to your mother i feel sorry for her u should be looking after her. i also do think that what u had done was worse then the person who killed the dog with drugs i personally found that verry funny. but i was dissapointed with ur confession.


I feel that prostitution is a verry high in the Uk. many people may have different reasons for why they are prostitutes. however the question that accures is that why become a prostiute? or is it right to become a prostiute? many people may say that it is wrong because of religious reasons, others may say that a it is not socially acceppted within the society. however some women who are prostitues may have reasons for why they are. i personally feel that there is no point of becoming a prositute, my views are more based on a religous view. i feel as if that religousliy it is wrong to become a prostiutie. however, many females get away with prostiution, but there are undercover police who try to catch out prostiutes.

Comment 2

I think that the debate about gun crime goes hand in hand with the bandits blog. Most people blame violent video games which are exposed to youngsters at a young age. Maybe parents should discipline there children. However, I place the blame on parents I think we should question were do guns actually come from? And why are they so easily available?

It easy for the police and general public to blame parents and gangs for gun violence or should I say they ones directly involved. But maybe there is a higher force like the government especially the American government who are essentially putting guns on the street so that the are to busy killing one another and hence distracted from the reality. So, what is this reality? The truth is that the Illuminati control and own every single one of us. They decide what goes in the media...from BBC News to video games! Some argue that this is a conspiracy theory...but how come everyone comes out with the plans of the new world order are murder...Tupac Shakur and John Todd-previous a member of the top 13 Freemasonries.

This link will explain all! It goes in detail, of how through centuries the illuminant's origin and the committee of 300 as well as distraction method for the public so that they are unaware of the New World Order (NWO) really means. If you notice it spells 'OWN' backwards! It means to form one world government to rule the world.


having watched the link i agree with ur perespective about gun crime. i do agree that police to blame gangs or parents the reason for gun crime, however the police should try to slove the problem of gun crime by even installing CCTVs in areas where there is a high statistic for gun crime. however, i do think that there is alot of Gun crime in America compared to the Uk. but even though gun crime is a very dangerous and serious matter and should tried to be solved.

Comment 1

Sunday, 4 May 2008

My opinion of this topic is that we all lie and that it is something as individual me do on a daily basis. Saying this I also believe that some people lie intentionally where as other they may not personally be aware of it and will do so unintentionally. I would say that it is difficult to determine whether or not it is bad because it depends merely of the individuals circumstances.


i agree with your view about liying, u can say that everyone lies but however it can be said some situations that lies that are told can be very bad depending on the situation for example if a friend was committed a crime and you lied for them, this is seen as wrong.


Terrorism is not new, and even though it has been used since the beginning of recorded history it can be relatively hard to define. Terrorism has been described variously as both a tactic and strategy; a crime and a holy duty; a justified reaction to oppression and an inexcusable abomination. Obviously, a lot depends on whose point of view is being represented. Terrorism has often been an effective tactic for the weaker side in a conflict. As an asymmetric form of conflict, it confers coercive power with many of the advantages of military force at a fraction of the cost. Due to the secretive nature and small size of terrorist organizations, they often offer opponents no clear organization to defend against or to deter. The meida try to make it out that terrorism is down to muslims, this is slightly unfair as a muslim myslef i feel that those who wear the hijab or the nikab get alot of grief from others this could be blamed on the media, however no1 can possibly prove who are actull the terrorists they assume that they are muslim people. having looked at pictures describing "terrosim" there is always a muslim male holding a gun. this can be seen as unfair.

Saturday 3 May 2008


everyone in the world lies, however the question that may accrue to us is that is it OK to lie? whether it is in to help others or to get oneself out of trouble? this all depends on moral. if one was in trouble would u lie for them? this may also depend on the situation. however different theories have different perspectives about this. Agustine explains that god forbade all lies however, Kant himself qwuestions others that should one lie order to save ones friend? or should one tell the truth realistically most people would lie to save a friend, therefore if one was to tell the truth that being would have lost thier friendship, thus the world would not be a better place if everyone was to tell the truth. however, some may argue that it is acceptable to lie. some may suggest that excuses, gossopping comes under as some form of way of lying.

Saturday 26 April 2008

Being too religious

Jehovah's witnesses believe that God's name in Jehovah. They view the use of the name as requirment for true worship. Jehovah is regarded as Almighty God, the supreme being and creator of everything, the sovereign of the universe. They believe that jehovah's main qualities are juistice, wisdom and power and that these qualities are consistently demans trated throughout the bible, they believe that worshipping God properly means living properly, which includes living honest, truthful and sober lives, therefore they would not drink alcohol. however Jehovah witness base their moral code on the bible following the words of proverbs 3:5,6 "Trust in Jehovah with all your heart and do not lean upon your own understanding. In all your ways take notice of him, and he himself will make your paths straight." and Psalm 32:8 "I shall make you have insight and instruct you in the way you should go. I will give advice with my eye upon you." they do not approve of Maturbation, sex outside marriage which also includes petting and oral sex, unnatural sex within marriage, unchaperoned dates, excessive public displayes of affection and homosexuality. Jehovah's Witnesses come from all racial and ethnic groups and believe that all races are equal in the sight of God. They oppose any movement motivated by racial or ethnic hatred. Jehovah's Witnesses refuse blood transfusions, including autologous transfusions in which a person has their own blood stored to be used later in a medical procedure.

Friday 25 April 2008


The CIA mind control and chemical interrogation research program, run by the office of scientific intelligence, that began in the early 1950s and continued through the late 1960s suggests that the project involved surreptitius use of many types of drugs as well as other methods such as to manipulate indibidual mental states and to alter brain fucnctions. the project itself was baught forward to the public in 1975. however the CIA Mk-Ultra-type experiments have been abondanded. i personnaly feel that the CIA mind control was a way to minuplate people, therefore people became addicted with the chemicals and since this day many people find it hard to let go of these chemicals.


Tattoos on humans are a type of decoration body modification, surveys show that 36% of 18-25 and 40% at the ages of 26 have at least one tattoo. many people who have tattoos say that ' Having a tattoo has made me more rebellious'. These days it seems like many people have tattoos, the reason for this could be because the person feels that by having a tattoo they are accepted within society or their group. However, alot of people get tattoo's for or about 'loved ones' some may get a tattoo to remember a loved one who has passed away, Another common reason for why people decide to get tattoos is for religious reasons, many people have the face of Jesus or Mary this to them is a sign of devotion to their beliefs. however alot of people do regret having a tattoo and it is not easy to get it removed or covered, an Article taken from the New york times shows how a module regrets getting an Tattoo of her fiances name on her wrists, the link below shows the full story.


shoplifting s known as theaft, people who shoplift are known as amateurs; there are people and groups who make thier living from shoplifting, they tend to be skilled. These individuals target chain stores such as Sainsburys' and tesco. The cost of shoplifting are not always absorbed by the targeted company, but instead may result in price increase. Some sociologist studies show that more women are cautioned by the police than men. The sociologist "Moh" says that this is probably because the police believe that young women are lead astray by men. Women make up just 5% of the prison population and the majortiy of these acts are in prison for non payment (shoplifting) of fines. The link below is an article about "What do people shoplift?" this was published on the BBc News website.

Tuesday 22 April 2008


Stalking is a course of diverted violence to a person that would cause them to feel fear. Stalking can also include seeking and obtaining the person's personal informationm to contact them, this includes details without thier consent, looking for thier details on computers. One example of Stalking could be used from an episode from "Skins" where the character Sketch Stalks Maxxie oliver a boy who she goes to school with. Sketch is portyed as an obessional and some what delusianl young woman, she is seen to have a infatuation with maxxie, which becomes "obssesive love". In the episode she lies to her mother that her and maxxie are boyfriend and girlfriend whereas the character maxxie is gay. sketch becomes obsseive with maxxie she goes to certian extent to make herself look masculin so he would find her attarctive, she flattens her chest, starts to dress like a boy. the character sketch was introduced in the second series who is played by Tom Melissis. The link below shows the epoisode where Sketch stalks Maxxie

Tuesday 15 April 2008

Bad Comedian

Ethnic jokes are mainly about stupidity inevitably flourish in modern societies, and technical innovation. fr stupidity which could be seen as failure and the downfall of oneself and others alive. ( Christie Davis, ethnic humor around the world, 1990). Ethnic jokes are everywhere an example of an ethnic joke could be "how do you break a Walsall blokes finger?..... Punch them in the face. this joke was used as a example in the lecture, many people did not find this one funny or any other 'Ethnic' jokes which where used for examples funny which comes to show that ethnic jokes are old fashioned, or some could argue many people have a different kind of humour some may find that joke funny some may not. Ethnic jokes are not sociably accepted, many people consider not to tell ethnic jokes. However, jokes have no opinions, once we accept that a joke is a structured dialogue with itself, that it cannot, by its nature be an expression of opinion.
The incongruity theory suggests that humour is produced by the experience of a felt incongruity between what we know or expect to be the case. Most people may argue that one who takes jokes seriously do not have a sense of humor, one might argue that what you laugh at, the structure of the joke, it could undermine one about what they know about the world. It is possible for people to perceive that people view humor "through the filter of their own prejudices each seeing in (it)

Monday 24 March 2008


In the 19th centry masturbation was seen as a disease, However, in the 20th centry it was seen as a cure. In the 19th centry it was known to be thepractice of self-abuse, most consider that a man's approach to the subject as anything but gentle, other ways to describe "masturbation" could be, A man pulled it, Beat it, Jerk his gherkin, Pimp his pickle.
Sigmund Freud states that "the action which disposes of the stimulus and brings about satisfaction consists in a rubbing movement with the hand or in the application of pressure either from the hand or from bringing the thighs together. This is far more common in the case of girls.
Most addicts could be cured with medicines and psychological treatments like 'cold baths', 'hard matresses with little clothing', 'cold hip bathes several times a day'.
Two writers mention the case if a man who tried to masturbate by putting his penis into the sucking end of a vacum-cleaner. The result was that all the skin was sucked off the penis.
Masturbation was not merely the most consequential of sexual vices, it was also the most immoral. Masturbation was more than medical, it was an ethical and religious problem.

Thursday 20 March 2008


Smoking is one of the most common forms of recreational drug use. Smoking is where a substance, most commonly tobacco, is burned and the smoke tasted or inhailed. The cultural perception surronding smoking has varied over time and frm one place to another; holy and sinfil. Only recently in industrialized western countries, smoking has come to be viewed in a decidedly negative light. However, medical studies have proven that smoking is amoung the leading causes of diseases such as Lung cancer, Heart attacks, to prevent this happening the government introduced the smoking ban last year, they oped the ban would decrease smokers.
Even though advertising for smoking was banned, smoking has increased within teenagers since 1991. However, once one starts to smoke it is a hard habbit to break. People start smoking for a variety of different reasons some think it looks cool, this could be blamed on media. Films usualy have a image of a male wearing a suit with a ciggar or ciggerette in his hand or a female holding a ciggerette, this could be seen that smoking can be sexy.

Thursday 13 March 2008


The term infidelity can be Known as adultery, cheating. What constitutes an actof infidelity varies between and within cultures, however, it does not depend on the presence of sexual behaviour within a close relationship, people might have different ideas and perceptions of infidelity. Adultery is a voluntary sexual intercourse between a married person and a partner other than the lawful spouse.

Monday 10 March 2008


Even though the film Kids was a disturbing, dark, low-budget independent film about teenagers growing up in poverty in new york city. the main character played by Leo Fitz Patrick, has the idea that safe sex is to have sex with only virgin girls and not use any protection partly because they are living in poverty and can not afford to buy protection, or do not have facilities for safe sex. However, the film exposes the grim reality of a group of teenagers having unsafe sex taking drugs,little kids at the age of 9 or 10 take drugs too.
The movie kids can be seen as a movie that warns teenagers to have protected sex, also could be seen as a movie that warns parents that it could happen to your kids.